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Understanding PMS Headaches: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Understanding PMS Headaches: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Managing Headaches During Periods

One of the most discomfort signs of the menstrual cycle are headaches during periods. Here are some important details concerning the aggravating period migraine symptoms and what you may do to lessen (or, ideally, eliminate!) them.

Types of Headaches


Period headaches come in four different primary categories. As follows:

1. Hormonal Headache: This kind of headache frequently appears as soon as your menstruation begins. Although it can affect other parts of the head as well, the typical sensation is a band of pressure across the forehead.

2. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) headache: Premenstrual syndrome has a variety of beautiful symptoms, including mood changes, exhaustion, and uncomfortable cramps.

3. Low-Iron Headache: This kind of headache nearly invariably occurs after or right as your period is ending. While every woman loses some iron during the menstrual cycle, the amount is typically small and quickly replaced. We may be losing too much iron each month if we have very heavy menstrual flow, which could lead to headaches.

4. Menstrual Migraine: Much more excruciating than hormonal headaches, menstrual migraines are similar to them in many ways. They can occasionally be accompanied by anxiety, nausea, vomiting, neck pain, and sensitivity to light.
These are the most common migraine and headache forms associated with menstruation. It's crucial to realize that not all women who suffer from monthly headaches fall neatly into one of these categories or descriptions. Some women experience strong migraine pain that is similar to cluster headaches and might cause you to lose sleep. Others may feel that their menstrual cramps are more like tension headaches, which are frequently characterized by dull pain and tightness in the forehead or the back of the head and neck.

The Impact of Hormones on Headaches

Progesterone and estrogen levels fluctuate naturally throughout our cycles and during pregnancy, but they can also become out of balance. Our monthly symptoms, such as period cramps, menstrual bleeding, and menstrual migraines, frequently become significantly worse when that occurs. We might be able to lessen the pain of our menstrual cycle by better understanding the relationship between hormones and headaches.

Why Do We Experience Period Pain?

Hormone fluctuations can have a significant impact on our bodies. Some women may experience the onset of a migraine headache when their hormone levels increase or decrease. Our monthly migraine symptoms are mostly brought on estrogen and progesterone, while serotonin also has a significant impact. Throughout our menstrual cycle, these hormones fluctuate. Here's how variations in the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and serotonin can result in any of the types of migraines we discussed above.

Our progesterone and estrogen levels decrease during our menstruation. Hormonal headaches may result from this reduction in estrogen and progesterone. You might experience headache discomfort and pressure in addition to exhaustion, cramping, and mood fluctuations.

Our progesterone and estrogen hormones begin to awaken from their naps once our menstruation is gone. We might suffer headaches after periods when they rise. But keep in mind that headaches following our periods can also be a sign of low iron from blood loss.

Some women also get migraines or headaches during ovulation, though it's less typical. As progesterone continues to rise into the following phase, estrogen starts to decline at this point.

Our progesterone levels are at their maximum and our estrogen levels are somewhat high during the luteal phase of our cycle. As the luteal phase comes to an end, levels of progesterone and estrogen plummet. Serotonin levels also decline during this period, which makes things worse. This may not only lower your mood in the days before your period, but it may also result in menstrual migraines or hormonal headaches.

How do we prevent?

Consider NSAIDs. If you must, start taking NSAIDs a few days before to the onset of your period, starting with ibuprofen or naproxen twice daily. After your period starts, keep taking them for a few days. We wouldn't advise doing this every month, though. While it may seem straightforward to take a pill to reduce pain and inflammation, these OTC medications are actually masking the pain rather than treating it. Remember that NSAIDs are merely a short-term fix and won't benefit your health in the long run.

Maintain a hormone balance. Period headaches are only one of the many symptoms brought on by hormonal imbalance that women would rather not experience. We may be able to regulate our estrogen and progesterone levels if they are out of whack by using natural supplements like Aura Essentials PMS.

You may wish to consult your doctor if you experience regular migraines or the headaches become unbearable in your daily life.

Home Treatments

- Take up yoga. There are various yoga positions that could lessen menstrual headaches.
- Get more rest. A sound night's sleep can aid in easing tension in your entire body, including your head.
- Hydrate. Start drinking now since dehydration can worsen period headaches!
- Relax. For relaxing affects on your body and mind, take a warm bath or try meditation.
- Use botanicals or gummies containing Maritime Pine Bark for focus and clearing 'brain fog'. Aura Essentials PMS is a great one.

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