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Understanding Menstrual Cramps: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Home Remedies for Pain Relief

Understanding Menstrual Cramps: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Home Remedies for Pain Relief

Although period cramps are a natural part of life, that doesn't mean we can't manage or avoid them altogether. Find out here!


What the heck are period cramps and why do we get them anyway?

Our bodies experience a number of hormone changes each month that get us ready for pregnancy. Our body receives the signal to get rid of its thick uterine lining, also known as the endometrium, if pregnancy does not occur.

We then force the lining out. To do this, the endometrium's grip on the uterine interior is loosened by our uterus starting to contract and relax. As this takes place, the endometrium starts to gradually separate and flow out of the body.

The pain and cramping that women experience after the uterine lining is removed is thought to be most likely caused by a rise in prostaglandins, which are hormone-like molecules. Because prostaglandins have the potential to produce severe uterine muscular spasms, higher levels of them in some women are linked to more severe menstrual pain.

Prostaglandins might not be the only factor in all cases of menstrual discomfort, though. Unfortunately, the exact reason why some women have more painful periods than others is not entirely understood. Others may endure excruciating pain as a result of underlying medical disorders such pelvic inflammatory disease, premenstrual syndrome, uterine fibroids, or endometriosis. Some women experience painful menstrual cramps every month for unknown reasons.


What do cramps feel like?

Cramps affect everyone differently. They could feel similar to any other muscle cramp, like a leg cramp or toe cramp. Menstrual cramps may feel like any other muscle contraction cramp, but they differ slightly in their painful and stabbing feelings. Depending on how PMS affects each individual, the difference cramping will feel.

Lower abdominal pain is often where menstrual cramps hurt. It begins for many women one to three days before they begin bleeding. Within 24 hours of the bleeding beginning, the discomfort frequently reaches its peak and then starts to subside. Every month, some women experience one or two days of excruciating cramping, while others may experience discomfort during the majority of the monthly bleeding phase. But period discomfort is never something you want to have, regardless of how long you have it.

Here are some indicators that the stomach discomfort you're feeling is a present from good old Aunt Flow in case you're still unsure if you're having period cramps or anything else:

- Your lower abdomen is aching dull and continuously.
- Lower abdominal discomfort that is sharp or throbbing and connected to your menstruation
- lower back pain, sometimes known as "back cramps," or even pain that spreads to your thighs
- Pain that starts up to three days before your period, worsens around 24 hours after you begin bleeding, and then gradually goes away over the following few days

During their periods, some women additionally endure headaches, nausea, dizziness, and loose stools. During your menstrual cycle, if you suffer from excruciating pain, heavy bleeding, or other distressing symptoms, you may wish to discuss your worries with a doctor.

How Common Is Extreme Period Pain?

Primary dysmenorrhea, or the typical cramping pain that some women experience every month, is normal. Extreme period pain is abnormal and frequently indicates a need for treatment for an underlying condition such adenomyosis or endometriosis.

Endometriosis, like adenomyosis, is a painful disorder in which endometrial tissue spreads to regions where it shouldn't. Endometriosis causes the tissue to spread to organs other than the uterus, like the intestines, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. The most typical signs of endometriosis include excruciating pain during menstruation or during sex. Other signs and symptoms could include nausea or constipation as well as pain in the rectum, lower back, pelvic, vagina, and while defecating.

Both of these can lower your quality of life and cause you to miss days of work, class, or social engagements. Fortunately, there are things we can do to take control of the situation and lessen menstrual pain so we can live better.

Get in Control of Your Menstrual Health

Here are some things we can do right now to put an end to period cramps, from short-term solutions to long-term adjustments.


Home Treatments

Simple and efficient home remedies are available to lessen monthly menstruation pain. Some of our preferred natural cures are:

Aura Essentials PMS Gummy Supplements: using botanical and clean ingredients, these gummies target cramps, bloating, focus, and even hormonal acne to allow you to manage your menstrual health daily.

Tea: containing herbs, sometimes a nice hot cup of tea can soothe cramping and bloating.

CBD oil: is a potent anti-inflammatory that is present in marijuana. Contrary to widespread assumption, it is the non-psychoactive component of the plant and won't make you high. Although there is still a ton of research to be done, there is anecdotal evidence that CBD oil can lessen period pain. This comes in topical lotion as well.

Heating pad: this is a quick fix option that can help immediate relief and can be great before bed if your cramps are keeping you awake.

Warm bath:  Just like a heading pad, but in water form!

Always talk to your doctor if your cramps seem abnormal. Managing your cramps can make that time of month more bearable!

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